Povezave do sorodnih projektov

Povezave na humanistične GIS-projekte po svetu

(Vir: diskusijska skupina Humanist 2011, sporočila 24.660, 24.788, 24.793, 24.800, 25.365 [3])

  • UCL Bloomsbury project [4], kulturnozgodovinski zemljevid Londona
  • John Levin, Anterotesis, seznam GIS-projektov. [5] in njihov komentar [6]
  • Digital Literary Atlas of Ireland, 1922-1949 [7]
  • Grub Street Project: Eearly modern London’s literature and publishing [8]
  • Kansas City Literary Map [9]
  • Literary Atlas of Europe [10]
  • Mapping The Lakes (Lake District) [11]
  • Mapping The Republic of Letters (o razsvetljenski korespondenci) [12]
  • Mapping Place: GIS and the Spatial Humanitiesat UCSB (GIS : mapping technology oz. NeoGeography (Webmapping) [13]
  • Diana Sinton blog Diana Maps, discussion of projects presented [14] in [15]
  • Stuart Dunn's summary on arts-humanities.net
  • 2009 SCI Report, in particular the list of references in the resources/readings section [16]
  • Geospatial posterous [17] ali [18]
  • Neogeography. (Denis Wood and John Krygier blog) [19]
  • Pelagios Linked Ancient Geodata workshop at KCL [20]
  • Pelagios [21]
  • A brief introduction to QGIS (cross-platform app) [22]
  • HESTIA (Mediteran pri Herodotu) [23]
  • Google Ancient Places (GAP) [24]
  • Ptolemy's Geographia (ICA Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage workshop [25]
  • Institute for Enabling Geospatial Scholarship (The Spatial Humanities site, using Zotero) [26] in [27]
  • Q&A threads tagged "GIS" [28]
  • Ian Gregory's Historical GIS site [29]
  • HGIS resources [30]
  • The Map of Early Modern London [31]
  • Digital Literary Atlas of Ireland, 1922-1949 [32]
  • Stanford U. Library's Humanities GIS page has a list of projects [33]
  • The Association of American Geographers' Historical GIS Clearinghouse and Forum has a list of HGIS projects [34]
  • GIS and Spatial Analysis and a Mapping [35]
  • GIS Laboratory in the College of Engineering [36]
  • Abstract Machine – Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for literary and cultural studies: "Mapping Kavanagh" [37] (članek v International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing 4, 17-37, DOI 10.3366/ijhac.2011.0005)
  • Mapping A Writer's World: The geographic chronology of Willa Cather [38]
  • Mapping Petersburg: A project to map the Petersburg Text, starting with Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment [39]
  • Mapping Shakespeare's London: Now live! Graduate project from Kings College London [40]
  • Mapping The Republic of Letters: Flash-based interface analysing enlightenment correspondence [41]
  • Records of Early English Drama: Mapping the places and patrons of early English theatre [42]
  • Spatial Humanities at the Scholars’ Lab: A community-driven resource for the spatial humanities [43]
  • Visualizing Scriptoria: Mapping Sites of Manuscript Production in Medieval Iceland: Title says it all. Just as well, given there's no blurb or description whatsoever [44]
  • Walking Ulysses: Annotating Joyce's Ulysses upon current and contemporary maps of Dublin [45]
  • Cultural Atlas of Australia: "An interactive digital map that explores Australian places and spaces as they are represented in and through films, novels, and plays." [46]
  • Anterotesis: DH GIS Projects [47]
  • The Geography of Literature (ETH Zurich) [evropski literarni atlas] [48]
  • UrbanTick: SubMap - Subjective Map [49]
  • Mapping Spatial Relations, their Perceptions and Dynamics: the City Today and in the Past, konferenca v Erfurtu 12. 5. 2012 [50]
  • Atlas der Regionalen Literaturen Brasiliens ARLB, Mainz [51]
  • The Bartlett Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis [52]
  • Anderson Sandes: GIS software MapWindow Tutorial
  • ECAI (Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative), atlas kulture z vpisanimi geolokacijami

... in doma

  • Franc Solina in Robert Ravnik, Georeferencing Works of Literature, 2010 [53]
  • Miran Hladnik, Zgodovinski romanopisci: Rojstni kraji pisateljev slovenskega zgodovinskega romana in povesti. Geopedija [54]
  • Literarni spomeniki. Geopedija [55]
  • Rojstni kraji slovenskih literatov. Geopedija [56]
  • Register slovenske kulturne dediščine. Ministrstvo za kulturo R Slovenije [57]
  • Alojz Cindrič, Študenti s Kranjske na dunajski univerzi v prvi polovici devetnajstega stoletja 1804-1848. Ljubljana: UL, 2010.
  • Alojz Cindrič, Študenti s Kranjske na dunajski univerzi 1848-1918. Ljubljana: UL, 2009.